From Pitch to Podium - How to proactively get speaking gigs.

Are you sitting by the phone, refreshing your inbox, hoping for speaking enquiries to magically appear? Let me be blunt, (apparently, I usually am) that's not a strategy, it’s never going to get you to be the success you really want to be. Most successful speakers aren't waiting for opportunities - they're out there creating them, every single day.
Speaking to prospects and clients daily is crucial for your speaking business, here’s why:
- Visibility
You’ve heard the saying, and it’s true, out of sight is out of mind. We are quickly forgotten. If you're not regularly visible and top of mind with potential clients, your competitors will be.
- Building relationships takes time
Relationships aren't built overnight. If you are reaching out regularly, you're laying a foundation for long-term partnerships that can lead to bookings and referrals.
- Staying relevant
Markets and industries change, businesses evolve, and so do their needs. Regular conversations with prospects and clients let you stay ahead of these changes, adapting so you stay relevant and valuable. When I had my bureau, our clients were telling us what the next big topics were, what their needs for the next 5 to 10 years would be. If you aren’t speaking to the market, it’s impossible to stay relevant.
- Creating opportunities
Sometimes, a client might not even realise they need a speaker until you plant the seed. Your call/email/message could be the catalyst for an event or training session they hadn't considered.
- Feast or famine
Speaking is seasonal but getting booked is not, you should be working on enquiries and bookings all year round. And once booked you can invoice a deposit. Cash (flow) is king, you don’t want to be robbing Peter to pay Paul. If you are consistent with keeping in touch you will have a constant and steady flow of enquiries and bookings.
- Refining your message
Every time you pitch you will find yourself refining and refining as you adapt to what prospects and clients are telling you so that you can really hone your UVP (unique value proposition). Practice does indeed make perfect.
So, how do you make daily outreach a habit? Here are a few practical tips:
- Plan time in the diary, block out time every day to reach out. You can also set yourself a daily target of how many people you will contact daily.
- Mix it up - phone calls, emails, LinkedIn messages, handwritten notes, send Ferrero Rocher (other brands are available)
- Add value - Don't just sell. Share insights, offer helpful resources, or make introductions.
- Make sure you're following up on previous conversations, you won’t do business in the first call, well you might, but it usually takes time.
- Keep a record of your outreach and the results.
Every 'no' gets you closer to a 'yes'. Every conversation, even if it doesn't lead to a booking, is an investment in your future success. My biggest gig came from a prospect I had been contacting regularly for 10 years – it was a gig for 1 million dollars, I kid you not. But ….. it was planned for 2020, you know what happened, we never got to contract. You get the point though; you never know which conversation is going to bring you your big break.
So, stop waiting for the phone to ring, email to land, WhatsApp to ping. Be proactive. Your next big speaking opportunity is out there - but you need to go find it.
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