Speaking Business Audit

You may be the best speaker in the world but if you aren’t getting booked and you are relying on income from your speaking then you aren’t going to be a speaker for very long.
If you aren’t getting the bookings, you think you should be, it might be because your materials are missing the mark. You need someone who can look at your profile through the eyes of a booker to tell you what you need to do differently so that you get booked.
With more than 20 years’ experiences of selling speakers to Corporates for 4, 5 and 6 figure fees I can save you a lot of time by pin pointing exactly what's letting you down and identify where you can immediately improve so that you can get more bookings and earn higher fees. Be warned I won’t pull my punches, I’ll tell you the hard truth about what doesn’t work based on my experience in the industry. This is going to be more of a Simon Cowell rather than a Len Goodman experience - so may not be for you.
If I can’t identify any actions that will help you, I won’t charge you.
How does it work?
I will send you a questionnaire about your Speaking Business so that I can look into all aspects of how you present yourself to potential bookers. I will review this and note my findings. I'll then book in a telephone / video call of 45 to 60 minutes with you so that I can take you through my findings in person and explain everything to you one to one. You can record the call so that you can then refer back to it (or we can record it for you).